Through the sun and through the sea
I fly to you and there we meet
Together again and so brand new
I love you and you love me
This is the time to spread our wings
I fly to you and there we meet
Singing in the storm
and fighting through the pain
I fly to you and there we meet
Your beauty spans the ocean’s depth
I make no sense when I’m with you
I fly to you and there we meet
I fly to you and there we meet
Criss-crossing you eternally
You’re hidden in my line of view
Where are you today and tomorrow too?
So through the sun and through the sea
I fly to you and there we meet
Together again and so brand new
I love the way I feel when I’m with you
You are the best thing about me
And the worst thing is to be away from you
I fly to you and there we meet
Together in this eternity
Living in this world doesn’t fit
If I’m not with you I see no right
It’s wrong that I feel so deeply for you
Still, I fly to you and there we meet
All fear is washed, all doubt is crushed
When I’m with you it’s a mighty rush
Crazy it seems to feel this way
But I have no cares
To feel like this is to feel pure and free
I am whole, heart and soul, with you
So, I fly to you and there we meet
Serenity envelops this turmoil
Love spreads its blanket of warmth around us
The sea calls our name and the sun sings our graces
All the creatures of this earth praise us in harmony
Our love is pure. Our love is right. Our love is the beauty of the northern lights.
And so you fly to me and there we meet