Thursday, February 21, 2013

God's Goodness and Your Identity

It has been almost a year since my last post. I tried starting out this blog with my poetry. Yet, this seems to not work out as I planned. Now, I am going to attempt something new. I can't promise a post everyday because I am just not wired that way. I can promise a post every now and then. I want to write my thoughts and share them with you. I also want to express my thoughts in writing so that hopefully I can find a way to get closer to God and find a way to realize my purpose in life.

Last night at our college church group, a friend of mine spoke. He talked to us about the two things in our lives that will be attacked. Those two things were God's goodness and our identities. God's goodness is our history with God. If we do not have a good history with God we will be attacked. It is hard to hear God in crisis. Trent used Isaiah 43:1-5 as illustration. We are PRECIOUS in God's sight. We are VALUABLE to him. We have God and his goodness beside us and with that we can withstand anything.

The second thing Trent spoke of was our identity. Our identity is not who we think we are, not how others see us, but who we are in Christ. It is really easy to place your identity in other things. I know that I place my identity in being a good daughter, a good student, sister, XOX president, and so many other things that do not matter so much when it comes to Christ

If we do not have a good history with God then when these identities are crushed, and they will be, then we will not know where to begin to even pick ourselves up. Right now I am in this situation. I understand that God is with me, but I am having a hard time holding on to that. In September of 2012, I lost my mom at the age of 61. I am only 21. My mom had so much more life to live. Her death was completely unexpected and it has really hit my family hard. My identity in my mom was crushed. She was one of my best friends and I am finding it very difficult to put my trust, faith, and happiness in God right now.

This is why I hope that with this blog I can air out my thoughts, maybe get some feedback, and just dive into the word of God and find his goodness and my identity. I hope to find others in the same situation as me so that we can talk and grow with each other.

I hope that you will join me in this journey. I hope that through reading my blog you may find God's goodness and your identity and let it overwhelm you and give you peace.

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