Sunday, September 29, 2013

Let's talk about

I am thinking about starting a blog series of sorts. If you can't tell by the title this series is called, "Let's talk about..." I want to focus my series on some struggles or areas of life that are prevalent in my everyday as a 22 year old about to graduate college. I also want to get feedback from anyone about what topic they would want to get my perspective on. So, if you are one of the few who read my blog please leave a comment on this post or any of my future ones about something you would like to read. My first post in this series will be, Let's talk about Boys. I am going to give a little insight into my mind when it comes to boys. I have never been in a relationship, yet all my friends come to me for advice about their romantic relationships. I think because I've been on the outside of so many relationships I have a fresh perspective on boys and how their mind works. So tune in the next week or so and see if you learn anything new or even have something to argue with :)

xo Brittany

Saturday, September 21, 2013

One year later...

... and we are still reeling.

For all that today meant to me and family, it was a relatively normal day. For those of you who don't know a year ago on September 20th my mom passed away suddenly from congestive heart failure. So, this weekend I came home from college to visit. I brought my friend Lauren with me because I knew that it would be a rough weekend without the distraction, I needed to get homework done, and I just genuinely love Lauren's company. I have thought about mama all day but I have not dwelt on the bad which is so great. Though, Wednesday night I did have a nightmare, where basically I was reliving that week over again from her death to her funeral.

So where is my grief after a year? There are five stages to loss and grief:
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
What I have learned in a year is that these stages come and go and you may not experience them in this order or even all of them. However, over the course of the year I have, for the most part, experienced all five stages. I know I experienced all five within the six days that her death and funeral occurred. Since then I have experienced them again.

The first stage I experienced was DENIAL. When I was told my mom was dead, my first reaction was, "NO! NO! NO!" I literally screamed these words along with, "She was my best friend!" Denial is a normal reaction to rationalize overwhelming emotions. It is a way of dealing with the shock. Denial, for me, lasted for the five minutes I was crying into Heather's hug and possibly part of the drive back home (I was at college at the time).

ANGER came pretty fast and left fairly quickly as well. I was angry that whole weekend and occasionally, even now, I experience spurts of anger. What got me through it though? It's simple, God. A lot of people ask why does God lets bad things happen to good people. I think St. Basil answers this well in his writing On The Human Condition, "evil is a privation of good." Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of good. Think of it as a constant line; God is the absolute good at one end and the more we pervert that goodness as human beings the further away man comes away from God on the other end. Basil puts it like this, "the soul is made evil through a perversion of what is according to nature." God is not the author of evil, we as human beings pervert the goodness He is and to put it simply, bad things happen.

The next stage, BARGAINING, was something I held onto for a while and still contemplate. It wasn't so much that I was trying to make a deal with God, because my mom was already gone and I knew I couldn't get her back. However, I was looking for some control. I was asking the what if questions. What iF I had been there with her? What if she hadn't been so stubborn and called the ambulance earlier? This one for me is still the hardest to overcome, but I try my best everyday to look past the what ifs. Again I turn to the Bible. There are so many verses that tell me there is reason, what ifs are not the right questions to be asking, and all that happens is for the good. My favorite verse to look to during my sadness or any struggle really is Romans 8:28. This verse says, " and we know that for those that love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."

DEPRESSION may be one of the hardest stages to go through. You become extremely aware of the reality of death. Some are so aware they say, "What is the point if I am going to die anyways?" or, " I miss my loved one, why go on?" Much of my time depressed was sitting alone in my room crying and grieving. It is important to go through this process. Feeling all of these emotions shows that you have begun to accept the situation.

This brings me to ACCEPTANCE, the last stage. This is where I began to realize that it was going to be okay, there was nothing I could do about it, and I might as well get on with my life. Because most of all my mom would be extremely upset if I could not get past my grief for her loss. I know at one point I thought about quitting school to be with and help my family. My uncles convinced me otherwise and the main reasoning they gave me was that my mom would have not wanted that at all. She did not spend her life putting me through school and teaching me to value knowledge and growth just for me to throw it away. I now can honestly say I have accepted what has happened but that does not mean that I am free from or have not experienced these stages again. It comes at you like a wrecking ball sometimes and knocks you to the ground but you now know how and can get back up.

I wanted to write about grief on the one year passing of my mom in order to fully let go of all these thoughts and hopefully help anyone who is or has or may go through what I am going through. I hope that you can read this and see a first person perspective and you can know and understand that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

With that said I want to leave you with a few words from my favorite song (it gets me through the hard times and puts a smile on my face).
xo Brittany

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow

When is the last time you got down on your knees and prayed? Have you ever cried during prayer? Are you a consistent person in prayer and how do you become consistent in prayer? I Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray constantly. When you really think about it, this is a very difficult thing to do. How can you pray constantly? How can your mind always be in prayer when you have school, work, and a social life?

I want to say that I am no authority on this subject. In fact, I am writing about it because I struggle with the idea of prayer and constant prayer all the time. It is one of my biggest struggles. However, through many devotionals and lessons I have heard and been a part of, I feel that I have some new insight on the matter. I have heeded the advice given to me and I have started practicing it out in my daily life. Already I have seen much improvement in my spiritual and even my physical life.  

First of all, it is important to note that I do not believe this verse is telling us that we have to be saying a prayer every second of everyday. Praying constantly does not require us to be in prayer even throughout school and classes. That would just be a distraction. However, I think if we set our mind on God as soon as we wake up in the morning then our day becomes more focused and it will be easier to stay in prayer and communication with him. 
Second, I think that praying constantly does not require an outspoken prayer said constantly throughout the day. I think it can be thoughts running through your head with your mind still on God. If I go to class and make it there on time, I thank God. If I do well on a test, I thank God. Give him praise daily. Realize that none of the good that happens to you is on your own accord, it is His will and we should praise him daily. 

Third, there needs to be some sort of discipline in your physical life. By scheduling out your day or working out or anything that disciplines your body you are training your body to become a "well oiled machine" of sorts. I say this to say that by disciplining your physical life it will be much easier to discipline your spiritual life. By disciplining your spiritual life, you are placing God at the forethought of your mind as he should be. 
By training your mind to focus on God, your schedule easily shifts from a habit to something that becomes enjoyable. A passion for God will arise I believe like never before. When you say you are praying for someone, you actually do. When you are struggling, the first thing you do is go to prayer with Him. When you realize that God is there and answers every prayer (Psalm 145:18-20) your day is carried in confidence and you go before others spreading his word and telling of the power of Him and prayer to Him.

What struggles are you facing? Do you know someone who needs to be lifted up to God? I challenge you this week to make an honest prayer to God, put your whole trust in Him and know that he will answer you and see how he answers you and the glory and prize you will receive.

Much love,