So with my undergraduate career over and my first few months in the "real world" coming to an end, I thought I would spend my time writing a blog post about some of my favorite things or as I like to call them, my obsessions. Now, before we begin, let's just all go ahead and admit it, we have an obsession or two or.....twenty. Whether they be a guilty pleasure or something that most people love we all have an obsession with or about something. However, I may have a little more than the average twenty three year old woman should. I mean I'm pretty sure, and some of my friends will attest to this, I am a 23 year old stuck in a 16 year old fangirl's body and I am not ashamed! I have obsessions in just about any category you can dream up, from food to clothes to TV to accents and on and on and on. So, without further ado, let's get down to business ( to defeat the Huns!). Oh, come on, you knew where that was going. Also, disclaimer before we begin, this post is not something written to enhance my life or yours. It is not written to give you any advice or show that I am changing my habits. I realize that some of these obsessions may be unhealthy, but for now I have them under control :) and I am satisfied.
Obsession Number 1: CHOCOLATE!!
Chocolate is my first love. I'm pretty sure I came out of the womb loving chocolate. My mom would always tell me that when she was pregnant with me she hardly ate because she was sick all the time. However, the main craving she had was chocolate. Skip to my childhood and the fact that I was such a picky eater but also a chocoholic I think we can safely say my love of chocolate began before I was even born. Chocolate is the one thing that I refuse to cut out of any diet I begin (and of course eventually end). It is my one companion when I have any feelings of any kind. Ok, now I'm feeling like that table in Mean Girls for the girls who eat their feelings. Oh well! So, yeah, chocolate, it's good and you should have some.

Obsession Number 2: TELEVISION!!!
Ok, so most people might think they have an obsession with TV and they would be wrong. These people think its bad that they have five or six shows they watch. To me, that is a healthy relationship with television. If you want to know what obsession really is then look no further. Between summer and fall, I watch about 70 shows and that is not an exaggeration. The last time I counted it was 64 and I have added shows to my schedule since then. I have an average of twenty shows per week/season that I watch. I spend twenty hours or more out of the week with my eyes glued to the screen. I mean if that isn't obsession I don't know what is. This doesn't even include the shows I watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
Obsession Number 3: MY IPAD!!
To add fuel to the fire of my TV obsession, I own an iPad and boy is that trouble. Not only do I have a readily available source for my shows, but I also have easy access to all my social media. I take it with me wherever I go. I hate for it to be below 30% battery life and I am always charging it. I hate when I don't have it with me. It feels like an extension of me most days.
Obsession Number 4: THE FAULT IN OUR STARS!!
I am utterly obsessed with anything and everything TFIOS. My friend Andrew and I are up to date on everything that is happening involving the new paperback covers, new trailers, meet ups, and screenings of the movie. I am officially in love with Ansel Elgort even though I have yet to see the movie. I want to reread the book over and over and over again. I watch and read anything that has to do with this book and movie. I especially watch the trailer over and over and my reaction is just as excited and emotional as the first time I watched. I mean I have probably watched it over 50 times now.
Obsession Number 5: TRAVELING!!
I have a bad case of the can't sit stills. I always want to be on the go. In my short years on earth, I would say I've done a fair amount of traveling. I have been to Haiti (for a mission trip) and Greece (school trip) and my heart is torn between the two. I have a passion for the orphans in Haiti and I have a passion for the archaeology in Greece. Yet, I have yet to explore all the places I want to see. Mostly I've done a bunch of road tripping and concert seeing. What I really want to do though is travel overseas. I have this undeniable urge to see the world and most importantly to see the world with as few posessions as possible. I am what you might call a vagabond, a dreamer. My aspiration is to pay of all my debts, save a little, fly to Europe with only a backpack in tow, and travel until I cannot travel anymore. My goal is to travel to all 7 continents.