So this summer has been a tad adventurous. Well, I've done stuff. Of course, mostly I've sat at home all summer but there has been a few days where things have happened.
I stayed in Montgomery a few days after classes ended. I went to see some of my closest friends graduate. I stayed at a friends house. After graduation, Rebecca and I drove to Melanie's house and went to the beach the next day. We had fun chilling on the beach and going out to dinner. I left for home the next day.
I spent most of the summer with my family and Lexi of course. She graduated kindergarten this year and we are all so proud of her. She also cut half of her hair and let's just say I don't think she has a future as a hairdresser. Lexi also celebrated her seventh birthday and got a pool so we spent most of our time "swimming."

We also spent most of our Tuesdays at trade day selling a bunch of our stuff. We made some money but not a lot. Things have been a financial struggle so we've been doing anything we can to make a little extra. At trade day in June, we received the cutest thing ever! The lady next to us was giving away pit bull puppies and I couldn't resist. So, I introduce you to BoBo :)

He is so rambunctious and always wanting to bite but I still love him :)
Brianna and I also went to a couple of concerts this summer and man did we have fun. We went to...wait for it....a Rascal Flatts concert!!! Ahh!!! They're only my favorite country band ever! And we saw Cassadee Pope from The Voice and The Band Perry which were equally amazing!

Recently, we went to Warped Tour. We haven't been since 2010. This year I got to get pictures with my favorite bands, The Summer Set and Forever the Sickest Kids!
How awesome and cute are they? So much fun!

All of this sounds really fun and exciting but in total it equals out to maybe ten days of the whole summer. The other 80 or so days has been spent at home watching television, YouTube videos and Vine. Brianna and I have been deeply immersed in our favorite tv shows, like Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf. I also found a deep obsession with watching people on YouTube mostly beauty gurus. My favorites have been zoella, pointlessblog,and sprinkleofglitter. I highly recommend you watching them. I also have spent the better part of my summer watching the six second videos of Vine. Marcus Johns is by far my favorite and absolutely hilarious. I also enjoy Brittany Furlan.

Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed my relaxing summer before adulthood as I like to see it. What have you done this summer and what was your favorite thing?
xo Brittany
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