Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years

Oh look! It's a blog post about the new year. Who saw that coming? Definitely not me! 

No, but in all seriousness, I have been contemplating over writing this post for the past few days. I have very mixed feelings about new year's resolutions. One reason I feel this way is because of course I'm in the majority of people who make resolutions every year and within the first week I have broken them all. And yet, still I am the ever optimist who believes that this year will be THE year. This will be the year that I finally achieve all of my resolutions and become a "better" me.

I often wonder why the new year is a symbol of fresh beginnings and a reason to start over and become a better version of yourself. And yes I know that question may seem silly, I mean "new" is in the description for goodness sakes. Still, there is something else about it that seems to say, this is the time to change. What about it makes you believe that you can make a clean slate for yourself? Why is January 1st so different from December 31st? Why are we not constantly looking to better ourselves? The new year should be everyday in my opinion. Each day we should get up and think, what can I do today to make me a better person. More importantly, what can I do today to help someone else? Honestly, the new year should be about others and not ourselves. So this new year, I resolve to listen better, to love harder, to be someone's crying shoulder. I resolve to be a better friend, sister, and daughter. Even more than that, I resolve to be a better daughter in Christ. 

Of course, still, I have made my own resolutions. I believe by making these personal resolutions I can exercise my physical and mental body and this can give me a better chance at achieving the goal of helping others more this year. More than ever, I really really want to achieve these. I lowered it to three this year in hopes that I could accomplish them. I've already told my friends about them in hopes I have their support and encouragement. This year I have resolved to no longer drink any Mountain Dew. I have resolved to lower my intake of fast food to only once a week, if not lower. Lastly, also, I have resolved to read fifty books in a year.

I am very excited about these resolutions and I hope my friends are there to encourage and support me as I seek to accomplish them. As many of my friends know, those first two resolutions are pretty difficult for me to even think about let alone actually achieve. I am addicted to Mountain Dew and I am constantly eating out due to laziness. So along with the fast food resolution, I resolve to cook more of my dinners this year instead of wasting my money the easy way. 

I hope that this new year brings just as much joy as the past twenty years or so has brought me. I hope that happiness and love finds my family and we can begin to slowly but surely move on from my mom's death. I hope that my dad finds peace and is no longer as lonely. 

Additionally, I hope that your new year is just as great and that happiness and love find you. I know that God will wrap his loving arms around you and I hope that you find comfort there.

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